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Prerequisites: ThetaHealing Advanced DNA seminar
Seminar material: Official ThetaHealing manual and Book
Seminar length: 2 consecutive days
One of the key objectives of this 2-day seminar is to introduce you to 10 approaches that can be used to shorten the time of a belief system or emotional work, while increasing its effectiveness.
The digging work does not have to take several hours to achieve adequate results. Throughout the seminar, combined with plenty of exercises, you will learn about the 10 main topics that can be used to cover almost any area. The aim of the course is that by practising these 10 topics with sufficient comfort, you will be able to find the event that triggered the sequence of events for the task in question much more quickly and comfortably during the digging.
Another important element of the seminar is to increase your focus on your intuitive - psychic abilities. The exercises will focus on getting the information from the right place to help the whole process. When you use your intuitive abilities in the digging work, you can find the basic - initial task much faster by interpreting the information with confidence. This can also free up valuable time and energy when working with your clients.
The Dig Deeper seminar has become a prerequisite for all other seminars from 2018. And not without reason, as the seminar focuses on the development of belief system and emotional work (digging for short), which is one of the most powerful tools of the ThetaHealing Technique.
Using the digging technique, we access the deep-seated experiences that are largely stored by our unconscious and brought to life in those instances where they are needed. The technique of digging is a narrative style approach to explore limiting patterns and blocking beliefs by tapping into the theta brainwaves.
The design of the seminar will help participants to greatly increase their effectiveness in their counselling work, both when working with themselves and when working with clients. Through effectiveness, the achievement of a cured state that may have been hindered before is successfully changed.
My name is László Rém, ThetaHealing Certification of Science - Master Instructor and Practitioner. I have been working with this Technique since 2013. But more important than these titles, I work with people who are committed to living the life they have always wanted!
My primary goal is to help YOU reclaim the present-being in your life and remember who you really are!
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Early Bird*
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We welcome repeat participants to the seminars. Why is it good? Firstly, each seminar is unique. No two seminars are the same! Repeaters will have the opportunity to repeat the seminar as full participants. On the other hand, each ThetaHealing Certificate is valid for 5 years, after which you should repeat the seminar anyway to keep your ThetaHealer privileges and keep your knowledge fresh.
We look forward to seeing you!
*in order to participate in a seminar as a repeater, you must have previously attended the seminar.
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For those who have already completed the seminar but would like to repeat it!
The seminar fee includes:
Seminar fees are set centrally by the ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge. This means that you should be charged roughly the same price everywhere. This ensures you always get the right amount and quality of information at the seminars. At The Real Shifter Academy, we're advocates of this!
The fee does NOT include:
For scholarships, which is offered to students who feel a vocation for the ThetaHealing Technique but have a real reason to receive either a payment relief or a scholarship. If you would like to apply for one, please fill out the form.
Just fill out this form and send it to me and I'll get back to you soon!
Join the 9-week intensive Building Foundation Quest with László Rém an internationally renowned ThetaHealing™ Certification of Science & Master Instructor who has worked with many over the past 7+ years, and develop your intuitive abilities to create pervasive, amazing changes with your clients.