
The Real Shifter Academy | Workshops

Join the transformative 

Part 1 Elevate your perspective

Workshop! Discover the power of shaping your reality through creating and allowing. Create a life aligned with your dreams. Part 1 of the "The Real Shifter" Series

Welcome to a Paradigm Shift!

Have you ever sensed that you're more than your physical form, that your thoughts and emotions wield significant influence over your perception of life? Join us as we explore this profound connection, unveiling the power your mindset holds in shaping your reality.

The Elevate your Perspective Workshop, the inaugural episode of our immersive series, "The Real Shifter." At the heart of this series lies a singular priority: to unravel the intricate tapestry of creating our own experiences.

This workshop embarks on a transformative journey, built upon the foundation of a methodology - one that begins by crafting questions, guiding us through the labyrinth of solutions and illuminating the path to an intricate understanding of Allowance Awareness.

Have you ever sensed that you're more than your physical form, that your thoughts and emotions wield significant influence over your perception of life? 

Our mission is clear: to equip you with the tools to curate a life that resonates with ease and possibility. We'll commence with an insightful overview of key concepts, setting the stage for an engaging session where you'll craft questions - either through the "The White Seat" or within the collective consciousness of the group.

Life isn't just about effort; it's about envisioning, comprehending the depth of your aspirations, and summoning them into existence. And here, in this workshop, we guide you through the art of manifestation, unlocking the door to your version of reality - one that you've authored.

Unlock the secrets to sculpting your reality in our groundbreaking workshop series, starting with Part 1 Elevate Your Perspective.

Discover the power within as we unravel the secrets of shaping your reality. Dive deep into the art of asking questions, setting the stage for a transformative journey toward Allowance Awareness.

The #1 Elevate your perspective online workshop

What matters is what you think is achievable in your life. All your efforts are not enough to achieve something you cannot imagine. Nevertheless, one of the most popular ideas today is to work as much as possible, as often as possible. Imagining something in depth is the key. The key to making that something manifest in your version. It must be your version because you have created that.

Uncover the Power of Questions

Our approach begins with the art of asking powerful questions, igniting a journey that leads to profound insights. Explore our methodology rooted in Allowance Awareness, a pathway to understanding the fabric of reality.

Master Your Perception

Understand how your thoughts and emotions shape the world around you. Gain insights into shifting your perspective effortlessly, altering the lens through which you view life's opportunities and challenges.

Craft Your Unique Reality

Delve into an introductory exploration of key concepts, setting the stage for an immersive session where you mould your queries. Engage in thought-provoking conversations, either in the intimate setting of "The White Seats" or within the collective consciousness of the group.

What you can experience at the #1 Elevate your perspective WORKSHOP

The main focus of these programs is that the participants are encouraged to ask questions, and get used to the concept of “Asking and Receiving”. It will cover the more practical use of Spiritual messages and other Techniques.

Warm-Up section

 We will have a warm-up session – approx. 25 min., where I will share the Concept regarding the topic of the webinar/workshop.

Power of Inquiry

We'll commence with an insightful overview of key concepts, setting the stage for an engaging session where you'll craft inquiries - either through "The White Seat" or within the collective consciousness of the group.

Closing Message

We will devote this portion of the session to any more messages for the group.

JOIN THE UPCOMING TRS Part 1 Elevate your perspective!

(Click on the banner for more information)

20jan11:3013:30#1 Elevate your perspectiveTRSA Freemium Live webinar


  • Open to all!


  • This event is around 90 - 120 minutes long. 


  • short introduction and warming up section, then introducing the concept of the workshop, Q&A session. 


  • Both in Person and Online; for more information above! 


  • English | more information above.


  • For those who feel the call for change!

About the registration

Please note that while the workshop is currently complimentary, there will be an entry fee implemented at a later date. Take advantage of this unique chance to join us for free and stay tuned for updates regarding future registration fees. 

Don't miss out on this no-cost opportunity to unlock your creative potential!

Elevate your perspective

Meet László

László's work focuses on empowering individuals to remember who they are and to take the next step in their lives with courage, compassion, and confidence. He believes that mastering one's own life is the foundation for success in all areas, from personal to professional. He helps his clients become aligned with their true selves and take full authorship of their lives so that they can lead with authenticity and purpose.

Through his programs, László creates a safe and supportive environment for individuals to explore their potential, both physically and mentally. He believes that true leadership comes from the heart and that by aligning oneself with their true purpose, one can become a powerful and successful leader in all aspects of their life.

László Rém

Founder of The Real Shifter Academy


Do I need any previous qualifications for the workshop?

NO! The material in the workshop provides information and easy-to-follow steps for all interested parties.

What makes this workshop unique compared to others?

Our workshop isn't just about knowledge; it's a transformative experience. We focus on immersive inquiry, allowing you to explore the power of questions in sculpting your reality. You'll walk away not just informed but empowered to reshape your life.

How will this workshop help in daily life?

By understanding the connection between perception and reality, you'll gain practical tools to navigate life's challenges. Imagine having the ability to shift your perspective effortlessly, turning obstacles into opportunities and creating a life you truly desire.

Is this workshop suitable for someone unfamiliar with manifestation or self-development concepts?

Absolutely! Our workshop caters to all levels. Whether you're just starting your journey or seeking to deepen your understanding, we provide a welcoming space where everyone can explore and grow together.

What can I expect after attending this workshop?

Participants often experience a shift in mindset and perception. Expect newfound clarity, empowered decision-making, and a refreshed approach to manifesting your desires into reality.

How do interactive elements like "The White Seats" contribute to the experience?

"The White Seats" offers an intimate setting for personal exploration and dialogue. It's an opportunity to delve deeper into your inquiries, fostering a more profound understanding through focused discussions and individual attention.

The #1 Elevate your perspective online workshop

What matters is what you think is achievable in your life. All your efforts are not enough to achieve something you cannot imagine. Nevertheless, one of the most popular ideas today is to work as much as possible, as often as possible. Imagining something in depth is the key. The key to making that something manifest in your version. It must be your version because you have created that.

Unlock Profound Insights

Engage in an immersive experience where the power of inquiry takes center stage. By delving into the art of asking profound questions, you'll uncover insights that reshape your understanding of reality, setting the stage for personal growth and transformation.

Break Free from Limitations

Challenge and reframe your limiting beliefs. This workshop provides a safe space to shatter boundaries and expand your realm of possibilities, paving the way for a life liberated from self-imposed constraints.

Embrace Personal Transformation

Step into a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. This workshop is an opportunity to embrace your unique path, fostering personal growth and transformation that aligns with your authentic self, setting the stage for a fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

Unlock the secrets to sculpting your reality in our groundbreaking workshop series, starting with Part 1 Elevate Your Perspective.

Discover the power within as we unravel the secrets of shaping your reality. Dive deep into the art of asking questions, setting the stage for a transformative journey toward Allowance Awareness.
