
The Real Shifter Academy Freemium Webinars

Learn Where To Calibrate Yourself


Unravelling the Mystery of Change

Have you ever wondered why change feels like an uphill battle? Why does it seem like your mind hits the brakes whenever you try to break a habit or embrace something new? It's like there's a force holding you back, whispering doubts in your ear every step of the way.

Understanding the Resistance

Picture this: you're faced with a new situation. Your mind, like a diligent librarian, flips through the pages of your memories, searching for a similar experience to guide you. It's a reflex, a subconscious attempt to find the safest path forward. You start to calibrate yourself based on past encounters, shaping your reactions and behaviours accordingly. It's almost automatic, like following a script written by your past self.

The Comfort Trap

But there's something crucial to understand: real success hinges on liberating yourself from this automatic mode. It means daring to step beyond the cosy confines of familiarity, confronting the unease of the unknown, and carving out a fresh trajectory. Yet, the mere mention of "leaving your comfort zone" can trigger an avalanche of anxiety. It's packed with daunting pressure and towering expectations, often stalling your journey before it even commences.

You might find yourself pondering: why does this strategy fall short for so many?

The Power of Authenticity

Think about it: when do you truly feel like yourself? Are your actions genuine, or are they just recycled versions of past behaviours? Imagine if every lesson you've learned, every experience you've had, were put under a microscope. Would you still recognize yourself? It's a daunting thought, but also an opportunity for growth.

Why Choose The Real Shifter© events?

Take a trip unlike any other with The Real Shifter event creator, László Rém. László offers a special fusion of Western expertise and Eastern ideas to the table. He has over ten years of ThetaHealing experience and holds a Master Instructor's degree and a Certification of Science. His method developed over many years of working with individuals all around the world, blends spirituality and reason to provide a novel viewpoint on personal development.

Strengths of the Webinar:

Holistic Approach

László’s programs merge the best of both worlds, integrating practical techniques with spiritual wisdom.

Expert Guidance:

Benefit from László’s vast experience and personalized mentorship, tailored to your unique journey.

Realistic Solutions:

Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all advice. László’s approach is grounded in realism, offering practical solutions for real-life challenges.

Weaknesses of the Webinar:

While László’s programs offer invaluable insights, they may not be suited for those seeking quick fixes or overnight transformations. Personal growth takes time and commitment, and this webinar is no exception.

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” - Alan Watts

JOIN THE UPCOMING Learn Where To Calibrate Yourself!


10nov12:3014:00Learn Where To Calibrate YourselfTRSA Freemium Live webinar


  • Open to all!


  • This event is around 90 - 120 minutes long. 


  • short introduction and warming up section, then introducing the concept of the workshop, Q&A session. 


  • Both in Person and Online; for more information above! 


  • English | more information above.


  • For those who feel the call for change!

About the registration

Please note that while the workshop is currently complimentary, there will be an entry fee implemented at a later date. Take advantage of this unique chance to join us for free and stay tuned for updates regarding future registration fees. 

Don't miss out on this no-cost opportunity to unlock your creative potential!

Elevate your perspective

Join the Waiting List: Seize Your Chance for Transformation

Did you miss the live event? Don't worry, you're not alone. Sign up for our waiting list and be the first to know when the next opportunity for transformation arises. Don't let FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) hold you back—take the leap and recalibrate your life today!

Freemiums Peace Waiting List

Unlock Your True Potential with Recalibrating Events

In addition to our transformative webinar, delve deeper into your journey of self-discovery with our series of Recalibrating Events. Join us for "Alignment with Your Inner Being," where you'll learn to synchronize your thoughts and actions with your true essence. Experience the power of "Allowing Divine Intervention," as you surrender to the flow of the universe and invite miracles into your life. And don't miss "Creating Health - Wealth - Abundance," where you'll uncover the keys to manifesting prosperity in all areas of your life.

TRSA Recalibrating Events

We live in an age when we are constantly stimulated by the outside world. Whether it's our phones, computers, or TV, there's always something to distract us from what's going on around us.

Today, people are disconnected from their surroundings and lost in their own thoughts. We all feel we don't have enough time to do everything we want to do, which causes stress and anxiety. This makes it even harder to focus on what is happening right now!

Alignment With Your Inner Being

Do you feel like you've lost touch with your true self and are searching for ways to reconnect? The "Align with Your Inner Being Meditation Event" is a holistic and immersive experience that offers a transformative journey towards finding inner harmony.

Allowing divine intervention

You are following your path when you sense that things simply come together and doors open. This one-of-a-kind encounter is intended to lead you on a profound journey toward spiritual remembering, inner calm, and a stronger bond with the Source.

heath wealth

Creation means, your mindset is open to receive all the answers to your vibration. Anything you create consciously starts with a moment when your mind is quiet, and you’re tuned into the frequency of your plan. In this event, we show you how to do that.

Looking for Passionate Event Planners: Ready to Dive into This Exciting Opportunity?

Please fill out this form if you would like to organize this event for your own audience, and we will be in touch with you shortly!

Event organizers