
It seems like everything around you has slowed down and you feel like you can't make a difference.
Do you keep feeling like you're "just one step away" from the big breakthrough, but it has been 10 years and you haven't made any progress?

Enrol now in 


online workshop to uncover your authentic voice and reignite your energy.
Don't wait any longer to unlock your full potential.

To move on, you need to process the events of the past.

Past events have a greater or lesser impact on you every day! The first thing you would say is "The past is the past, you have to forget it", or "What's done is done, you can't change it", and similar wisdom. The fact is that life-changing events have happened and will happen to all of us. These are important experiences for us! Even bad events have brought you something to learn. Past events cannot just be uprooted or forcefully suppressed. The memories that have a huge impact on your everyday life happen to be stored much deeper than you can get rid of with a wave of the hand. 

The events of the past are there for us to learn from, to improve ourselves, our environment and our communities.

However, if we have the right attitude, we can recognise the difference immediately after learning and focus on what is important: the present.

To truly engage in the present, you must first understand your past.

Everywhere you go, you are bombarded with messages that urge you to be unique, spontaneous, and distinguishable from a runaway lunatic. The advertising industry operates on the assumption that you will become someone or achieve something if you fully embrace the latest trend.

How interesting that it is specifically based on the desire that is the hallmark of a young, immature personality. You're still finding your way.

Memories and experiences of the past can teach us a lot. At the same time, it can also be a great basis for development!


Understandably, memories from our past can hold a special place in our hearts. The lessons learned and insights gained from those who may not be up to date with the latest trends are truly invaluable. However, it's important to not let those memories hold you back from pursuing your dreams. It's crucial to assess whether a memory limits or supports you, and use that knowledge to empower yourself. Without acknowledging the impact of past events, they can easily dominate your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, preventing you from growing and thriving. Remember, "everything is the same" should never be your guiding principle.

The Closure of the past online workshop

Step into a transformative workshop where I'll help you unlock your potential by showing you the importance of asking the right questions. Through vivid examples, you'll discover how the right questions can empower you to take bold steps towards your goals, even if you've been held back by fear. Together, we'll embark on a journey to achieve a more balanced state of being, and with the help of the insights from this webinar, you can start taking those steps today.

About the Beliefs

Examine your beliefs to understand how they shape your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Identify your limiting beliefs and challenge them by looking for evidence to the contrary. By taking these steps, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and pave the way for personal growth and fulfilment.

The Past - Present

Are you tired of feeling like your past is holding you back? Discover how to break free from past experiences and transform your present with these powerful tips.


During and after the workshop you will experience the power of your mind. 


The structure of the workshop takes participants through a process. The essence of this process is to identify the events that are holding you back from moving forward. As well as reinforcing the skills you have in the present that will impact your future.

Module 1 - Past

The past is a time that has already happened, and while it may seem like it's behind us, it can still hold a powerful grip on our thoughts and emotions. It can be challenging to move forward and let go of what has already happened. However, it's essential to help our minds navigate this space and time to find peace and contentment in the present. The present is an exhilarating place to be because it's the only time we truly have control over it. It's a space that's made up of past experiences that have shaped us into who we are today, but it's also a space that's full of hope and aspiration for the future.

Module 2 - Overcoming Past

There are certain things that you cannot simply release or delete, especially if they are partially or entirely your creation. This is because they are connected to the purpose for which you created them, and if you were to erase them, you would lose the things you worked so hard to achieve. However, there may be some experiences that are no longer as useful or optimal as they once were.

Module 3 - Present to Future

The finest time to get closure is when your mind comes across something novel. You are a member of a new present that leads to a new future because of the new experience and how you respond to it. With an open and nonjudgmental mindset, you can dive into a new story, even if a significant portion of it is an illusion.

Module 4 - Meditations

It is perhaps no exaggeration to say that it is almost impossible to find a quiet period in your life. But finding a way to be quiet is almost more important than eating three meals a day. During the workshop, guided meditations will help you find stillness, relax and recharge.

Meet the facilitator

László's work focuses on empowering individuals to remember who they are and to take the next step in their lives with courage, compassion, and confidence. He believes that mastering one's own life is the foundation for success in all areas, from personal to professional. He helps his clients become aligned with their true selves and take full authorship of their lives so that they can lead with authenticity and purpose.

Through his programs, László creates a safe and supportive environment for individuals to explore their potential, both physically and mentally. He believes that true leadership comes from the heart and that by aligning oneself with their true purpose, one can become a powerful and successful leader in all aspects of their life.

László Rém

Founder of The Real Shifter Academy
ThetaHealing Certification of Science & Master Instructor


Do I need any previous qualifications for the workshop?

NO! The material in the workshop provides information and easy-to-follow steps for all interested parties.

What do I need for the online workshop?

The videos require a permanent internet connection, but the meditations can also be downloaded. If you don't have a stable internet connection, you can download the meditations and use them offline.

How long will I have the online workshop?

At The Real Shifter Academy, we are committed to personal development and we want to grow, so your course will remain accessible as long as the site is live.

Is there a guarantee?

The workshop will provide you with easy-to-follow tools that will give you answers, whether immediately or in the future.

What are the payment options?

Gain instant access to the course with secure and prompt payments as soon as the funds arrive in our account.

What happens if I get stuck in the process?

I can provide you with two options. The first one is to sign up for a 25-minute discovery call, where we will review your current situation and identify the best options available for you. You can find the link to the discovery call here. 

The second option is to sign up for a personalized one-on-one consultation, where we will delve deeper into the discovery and provide tailored solutions for you. You can find the link to the consultation here.

Cancellation and refunds

If you're interested in learning more about the terms of service and privacy policy of The Real Shifter Academy, you can find detailed information by clicking on the following link.

To move on, you need to process the events of the past

One of the most important things you can do for personal growth is to take a close look at your beliefs. It's essential to identify the beliefs that are affecting your life, whether positively or negatively. By doing so, you can begin to understand how your beliefs shape your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Once you have identified your beliefs, you can gain a deeper understanding of your belief system and how it impacts your life.
