
The Real Shifter Academy | Workshops

Join the transformative 

Part 2 You are Creating!

Workshop! Discover the power of shaping your reality through creating and allowing. Create a life aligned with your dreams. Part 1 of the "The Real Shifter" Series


Unlocking the Power of Creation in Your Life!

This workshop's central idea questions accepted ideas of prosperity and success. What if realizing our innate connection to the universe holds the secret to riches and fulfillment instead of trading abilities for cash? Come explore this paradigm shift with us as we imagine a world in which prosperity flows naturally because it is in harmony with our innate worth and cosmic connectedness.

Welcome to the You are Creating! Workshop, an enlightening exploration curated by László Rém, founder of The Real Shifter programs. Prepare to embark on a transformative journey that transcends traditional paradigms, blending wisdom from diverse cultural landscapes and merging the realms of rationality and spirituality.

In this immersive workshop, we delve into the profound connection between our conscious existence and the vibrational influence we project onto the world around us. Through a method centred on questioning, we navigate pathways leading to profound insights and the understanding of Allowance Awareness.

At You Are Creating! Workshop, we reframe the traditional concept of work and contribution, urging you to envision a life where service to the community emanates from a place of stability and alignment with the Universe. Discover how aligning your energy and expertise with the greater good catalyzes the flow of abundance and joy into your life.

Prepare to have your perception of manifestation challenged. Discover how your ideas and moods affect your reality, and the powerful impact of visualizing your desired goals with depth and confidence. At the heart of this course is the idea that your imagined reality may become a reality if you can clearly conceive and believe in its manifestation.

Uncover the keys to shaping your world in our innovative workshop series, continuing your Journey with Part 2 You Are Creating!

Discover the power within as we unravel the secrets of shaping your reality. Dive deep into the art of asking questions, setting the stage for a transformative journey toward Allowance Awareness.

Join us for the second instalment of the groundbreaking The Real Shifter series -
an immersive journey into the art of creation and self-realization.

The Part 2 You Are Creating! online workshop

What matters is what you think is achievable in your life. All your efforts are not enough to achieve something you cannot imagine. Nevertheless, one of the most popular ideas today is to work as much as possible, as often as possible. Imagining something in depth is the key. The key to making that something manifest in your version. It must be your version because you have created that.

Unveiling Your Creative Potential

At the heart of the You Are Creating! Online Workshop lies a profound exploration of your creative potential. We believe that the true essence of achievement stems from your ability to imagine, conceptualize, and innovate. The workshop is designed to be a sanctuary for your creative musings, providing a platform where you can delve deep into your imagination, unlocking doors to innovative thinking and groundbreaking ideas. By joining us, you open the gateway to a world where your creativity is not just recognized but celebrated, allowing you to chart new territories of personal and professional success.

The Path to Abundance

Imagine abundance as more than just a financial metric – it's a holistic concept encompassing fulfilment, joy, and a life well-lived. The You Are Creating! Online Workshop is your guide on this transformative path. We delve into the philosophy that success is not merely a destination but a journey that aligns with your vision. Through immersive sessions, we navigate the terrain of abundance, helping you redefine success in a way that resonates with your unique values and aspirations. Join us on this path, and let abundance become the hallmark of your life's journey.

Redefining Success

Success is not a one-size-fits-all concept. In the Workshop, we champion the idea that success is deeply personal and should align with your authentic self. By participating in this workshop, you embark on a journey of self-discovery, understanding that success is not only about external achievements but also about internal fulfilment. We provide the tools, insights, and a supportive community to assist you in crafting your definition of success. Redefine success on your terms, and let the Workshop is the catalyst for a life that mirrors your unique vision of achievement.

What you can experience at the You Are Createing WORKSHOP

The main focus of these programs is that the participants are encouraged to ask questions, and get used to the concept of “Asking and Receiving”. It will cover the more practical use of Spiritual messages and other Techniques.

Warm-Up section

 We will have a warm-up session – approx. 25 min., where I will share the Concept regarding the topic of the webinar/workshop.

Power of Inquiry

We'll commence with an insightful overview of key concepts, setting the stage for an engaging session where you'll craft inquiries - either through "The White Seat" or within the collective consciousness of the group.

Closing Message

We will devote this portion of the session to any more messages for the group.

JOIN THE UPCOMING TRS Part 2 You are Creating!

11feb11:3013:30#2 Regenerate & Create!TRSA | Freemium Live webinar


  • Open to all!


  • This event is around 90 - 120 minutes long. 


  • short introduction and warming up section, then introducing the concept of the workshop, Q&A session. 


  • Both in Person and Online; for more information above! 


  • English | more information above.


  • For those who feel the call for change!

About the registration

Please note that while the workshop is currently complimentary, there will be an entry fee implemented at a later date. Take advantage of this unique chance to join us for free and stay tuned for updates regarding future registration fees. 

Don't miss out on this no-cost opportunity to unlock your creative potential!


Meet László

László's work focuses on empowering individuals to remember who they are and to take the next step in their lives with courage, compassion, and confidence. He believes that mastering one's own life is the foundation for success in all areas, from personal to professional. He helps his clients become aligned with their true selves and take full authorship of their lives so that they can lead with authenticity and purpose.

Through his programs, László creates a safe and supportive environment for individuals to explore their potential, both physically and mentally. He believes that true leadership comes from the heart and that by aligning oneself with their true purpose, one can become a powerful and successful leader in all aspects of their life.

László Rém

Founder of The Real Shifter Academy


What is the You Are Creating! Online Workshop about?

The You Are Creating! Online Workshop is an immersive experience designed to unlock and harness your creative potential. It delves into the realms of imagination, innovation, and personal growth. Through a series of engaging sessions, participants explore the power of creative thinking and its profound impact on both personal and professional aspects of life.

Who can participate in the workshop?

The workshop is open to individuals from all walks of life, regardless of professional background or expertise. Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to infuse creativity into your work or someone embarking on a journey of self-discovery, the #2 Create! Workshop is tailored to accommodate participants at various stages of their personal and professional development.

How will the workshop benefit me personally and professionally?

Participating in the #2 Create! Workshop offers a multitude of benefits. It provides a platform to unlock your creative potential, redefine success on your terms, and discover a path to abundance that extends beyond traditional metrics. The workshop equips you with practical tools and insights to foster innovation, enhance skills, and navigate the journey towards a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

Is the workshop conducted live or pre-recorded?

The #2 Create! Online Workshop is a live and interactive event. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with experienced facilitators in real time, ask questions, and actively participate in discussions and activities. This live format ensures a dynamic and personalized experience for each participant, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.

How can I register for the workshop, and what is the cost involved?

Registering for the #2 Create! Online Workshop is a straightforward process. Simply visit our website's registration page, fill out the required information, and select your preferred payment option. Currently, the #2 Create! Online Workshop is being offered free of charge as a limited-time opportunity. To secure your spot at this exclusive event, simply visit our website's registration page, provide the necessary details, and confirm your participation. Please note that while the workshop is currently complimentary, there will be an entry fee implemented at a later date. Take advantage of this unique chance to join us for free and stay tuned for updates regarding future registration fees. Don't miss out on this no-cost opportunity to unlock your creative potential!

Embark on a Transformative Webinar Journey: Connecting Creativity, Success, and You!

Join the You Are Creating! Workshop and a series of engaging webinars for a holistic learning adventure. Discover immediate takeaways, co-create knowledge, and forge meaningful connections while shaping the pages of our upcoming book. Your journey to personal and professional growth starts here!

Holistic Learning

Participate in the six-series workshop/webinar journey, including the Part 2 You Are Creating! Workshop, for a holistic learning experience. Each episode complements others, offering a well-rounded understanding of connections between creativity, intention-setting, and success, fostering transformative growth.

Immediate Takeaways

The You Are Creating! Workshop provides immediate and actionable takeaways. Apply insights in daily life for continuous progress, creating a ripple effect that extends well beyond the virtual session.

Collaborative Knowledge

The series promotes a collaborative approach to knowledge-building. Audience questions and insights actively shape content, making each episode a co-created experience. Participants contribute to collective wisdom that will shape the content of the upcoming book.

Uncover the keys to shaping your world in our innovative workshop series, continuing your Journey with Part 2 You Are Creating!

Discover the power within as we unravel the secrets of shaping your reality. Dive deep into the art of asking questions, setting the stage for a transformative journey toward Allowance Awareness.

Join us for the second instalment of the groundbreaking The Real Shifter series -
an immersive journey into the art of creation and self-realization.
