
the 15-day guide to shift Your mindset

A simple guide to shift your mindset and develop new skills


Upgrade your mindset

  1. 1
    Do your research with the support of this email guide, about your current situation.
  2. 2
    Learn how to shift your perspective without deceiving yourself.
  3. 3
    Find others with a growth mindset like yours.

Enroll in the free Course and get your first email today!


László Rém is the creator of The Real Shifter© programs, a different approach from the usual methods, combining reality and spirituality, western knowledge and Eastern philosophies with techniques proven by leading coaches, masters, and teachers.

László is an advisory consultant, instructor, and coach. A former Architect, he retains much of his engineering approach, while maintaining realistic common sense, working on the impossible with his international clients. He has helped many people around the world remember who they are and how to take the next step in their lives with courage, compassion, and confidence.

His approach is based on the belief that mastering your own life will help you all over the other areas, from personal life to business carrier. The leaders of our lives must us. To become a successful leader, one has to become an aligned person. His programs are designed to take full authorship of our own lives so that they are empowered to lead from the heart. Creating a safe, supportive, and confident environment both physically and mentally.

How does it work?

One of the biggest influences on the way you see life around you is your mind. Something whose job is to keep you "safe" at all costs, to oversee the way you go about your daily life, to persuade you to make the "best" decisions, maybe against your plans!

Your mind's first job is to protect the body as a whole at all costs. That is its job! This is the area that performs computational operations faster than most computers. It's the organ that helps you decide what emotions you feel. And it is the one that, by understanding how it works, you will be able to live a more balanced, harmonious, happy, healthy, and successful life!

Your mindset determines your everyday life. It's easy to understand how it works and, as a result, you're able to notice the fluctuations. Once you understand these, you'll be able to have a greater impact on your life, working together, in harmony with the way your mind plays.

Over the 15 days, we will cover 15 major areas, with lots of exercises and I will take you through a process to get you started on this journey.


Session 01      Understanding

Day 1:           Thoughts and feelings

Day 2:          Fears

Day 3:          Intelligence of the body

Day 4:          Turning a problem into an opportunity

Day 5:          Abundance vs Scarcity mindset

Session 02      Shifting

Day 6:          Money matters

Day 7:          Targets

Day 8:          Joy

Day 9:          Real vs false sources of joy

Day 10:        Vulnerability vs confidence

Session 03      realization

Day 11:         Satisfaction

Day 12:         Resting

Day 13:         Happiness, feelings of gratitude

Day 14:        Compliance

Day 15:         Faith
